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3 games, 2 weeks to go.

Our great season is winding down. We have two weeks left and three games.

The playoffs have been set for the tyke and peewee divisions, You can find your games times on the schedule. Novice teams, 2nd and 3rd place are still to be determined. Atom division has 1st ,2nd, 3rd all up for grabs still.

1st and 2nd play off for a one game "A" division championship

3rd and 4th play off the "B" championship.

If teams are tied after the 12th game the tie breaker will be who won the most games against the tied teams, Second tie breaker will be Goals for - Goals against.

Once both games in a division are finished we will meet upstairs for speeches and medallions and price bags.

Our banquet committee has decided to hand out loot (Gift) bags at the conclusion of the ceremony instead of having a BBQ. The reason is because of it being a holiday weekend and many want to get away to go places.

We want to continue to thank ALL the coaches for their volunteer time. Without them things would not be possible, please thank them as well.

Please mention to our sponsor's that you seen and heard about them from our league the PMBHL. We need them back next year.

National Sports coupons expire at the end of July. If you kept the bar code section of your coupon you can continue to add 5% to our league. From last season we bough a goalie mask and goalie stick which has been used every week. With your purchases I will add to our league for next season.

Provincial teams, Tyke, Novice, Atoms, have been selected. Not enough interest in the peewee division sorry to say.

Please help me by rating the players so I can assign teams next season.

Thanks to Catherine McGrath for all her help as our treasurer/secretary.

We hope to have a bigger league next season but I will need help, I would like a marketing director, someone to help me put together our sponsors.

I will be sending out a comment form for you to fill out if you wish.

Let have a BALL

Guye Vondette President / RIC / Referee/ Timekeeper / Ref Instructor / Registrar / Tyke,Novice,Atom,Peewee Convener / Marketing/Advertising Director / Equipment Manager.


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